ABOUT AGE OF UNIVERSE. AO Koreysha (Report made at the 1996 international conference on the 150th anniversary of the Odessa Observatory). Abstract. Accounting for the spherical shape of the observed boundaries of the universe formed is clearly observed compact objects, it is necessary to assess the size of the universe, which it reached 10-20 billion years ago. This is in sharp contrast with the ideas of modern relativistic theory. Amendment to 10-20 billion years is related to interval of time it takes light to spread it on the horizon of the universe to us, which increases the age of the universe in 10 – 20 billion, passed today in astrophysics, at least up to 20-40 billion years. As a consequence, Hubble parameter is reduced by half.
This leads to disastrous consequences for the relativistic concept and leads to a contradiction with the model of an expanding universe. There are two concepts that are fundamental importance in modern astrophysics. The first is closely related to the finite speed of light so that the information received from distant stars corresponds to the time required to overcome distance from the observed stars to us. In other words, we see distant lights as they were in the past with respect to the time of receiving information from them with light. This fact is not debatable. (See (1)). The second concept is more complicated is the fact that the universe is measured from the hypothetical Big Bang (Big Bang) to the present. Redshift of galaxies outside the Milky Way points to the age of the universe.