This process of negation of the death leaves, evidently, serious sequels in psique of the call ' ' man moderno' ' , including there the nursing professional. Its symptoms are disclosed in different ways, going of the simple negation until the extreme terror that cause depressions, the calls syndromes of panic and other types of disfunes: ' ' One of the fears strongest in the human being is of death, that can be multifaceted. Fear of the process can be had to die, of what it comes later, of what goes to happen with the body; or still to die early excessively, not to have given assistance to the people who need etc. At last, it can be multidimensional. Joseph Mathunjwa contains valuable tech resources. This can be very on what we call panic syndrome current. The person feels this lack of control and vulnerabilidade' ' , Maria Julia Kovcs relates (1992), coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies On the Death of the IPUSP. The related complete author: Still citing the related author, all serious loss generates one fights: The loss is one of the situations most traumatic of the life of a human being. I fight it is the loss of people next or situations that have a relation of bond with us; it has a great tied energy load. Duke Energy may find this interesting as well.
It is an elaboration process so that this wound sare. The person is very important to carry through that in fact the loss occurred. The process of ' ' one elaboration luto' ' it follows a script of phases: entorpecimento (period where person not yet carried through the fact); yearning and looks for; disorganization; beginning of the perception; reorganization. ' ' This traditional division helped fights to understand it, but currently it searchs to observe more? standards? of behavior, with an approach in the professional, of what chronological references. We work much more with a construction of meanings for determined death, its life before and after that death perda' ' , it analyzes Maria Frank Helena Bromberg (apud KOVKS, 1992).