Bundestag election 2009 with the perfect candidate: this is? Aachen, September 21, 2009 – Sunday, September 27, 2009 is chosen! Loose remain, it says as for the voters if the parties in the final sprint the more earnest campaign. Finally, the decision who you can make his mark and want is hard enough. Who created his own perfect candidates whom the draught horses of the parties, Merkel and Steinmeier, Lafontaine, Roth, not convinced so far, just on. With a mix of cartoon and quiz the WDR invites you on its side to the colorful combining of political faces, trademarks and statements. Behind the Flash application the perfect candidate ‘, developed by the multimedia agency Powerflasher. Already in the 2002 Bundestag election the Powerflasher with an earlier version of this interactive Web Specials provided for successful Internet entertainment, which quickly became as interactive greeting card a medium is spreading virally on the Internet and thus a Trafficrekord scored. Applying online the perfect candidate ‘ of their own preferred candidate is composed of arbitrary parts of the forehead, eyes and mouth parts of the well-known politicians. According to the same modular principle to tinkering a political speech, the the perfect candidate ‘ then is the best.
Depending on the personal preference of the user with more black, red, yellow, or green contents. Then, a political quiz by tricky questions provides many information about the election after politician quotes or current election events. In the quiz, you challenge friends and compares to his electoral knowledge. On behalf of the WDR, the competent agency unit created the Powerflasher this reissue of the perfect candidate ‘. For the 2009 version the Powerflasher put on technical and content completely redesigned the program. In addition, the Powerflasher the quiz have placed emphasis on more knowledge. Carlo Blatz, Managing Director and founder of the Powerflasher explains: in 2002 we had with our perfect candidate ‘ success among Internet users.
In the year after the election was again played through the application and forwarded the interactive e-card to new recipients. A notable viral marketing effect achieved with such tools. That uses not only the requests of the customers, in this case the confrontation with the elections and politics, but also lots of fun and great entertainment given the user.” Here there are pictures: printable image material are available on request at our agency Xpand21 GBR. See more information and about Powerflasher GmbH the Powerflasher GmbH has been developing multimedia applications since 1997 and is with over 1000 references of one of the leading European providers.