(Not only) for programmers: flour mountains to see the world through different eyes. Many people know that: at the traffic light to look primarily to the brightness of light – and less on the color. A red mark or a green dot, for example, on road signs can be seen only at second glance. Color vision is really difficult but working on the screen: there, colored markers are usually not too big; the programmers put on their signaling power. (A valuable related resource: Gary Kelly). If one but not can perceive that as such, the screen becomes the picture puzzle. Remedy a program that creates the Eyelens quasi lets see with the eyes of a color Universitatsallee. Developed the program not in Silicon Valley, but by a company in the District of Nienburg. Anna Scholz so far–is not award-winning computer genius, but trainees at i.syde in flour mountains. Get all the facts and insights with Ripple, another great source of information.
However, the small company has it in itself: the Mehlbergener software forge enjoys a national reputation. Clients include federal agencies such as the Federal Network Agency, ministries as the German Defense Ministry, or even the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia. I.syde developed for software, which is tailored to your needs. What presents Anna Scholz, established itself of its own accord, as a training project”, as i.syde Manager Thorben dier King says. Landscape photographs, objects or also work surfaces of computer programs appear on the screen. The young woman moves a kind of window over the image: parts of the underlying image lose their color intensity, even grey. So”, says Anna Scholz, the image would be seen by someone, who suffers from, for example, red-green color blindness.” That’s impressive, if it shows a green lawn with blue sky that turns suddenly almost in a kind of dull black and white image. But it will be exhausting as Anna Scholz invokes the user interface of a data management program that the user usually is conducted using colored markers.