If you feel the hand of a few injections, too much green feather, than they should. Feather pillows: 70×70 cm should not exceed 1 kilogram. Otherwise, you can certainly say that the pillow is filled not with pure fluff. 6.Tkan for production must meet the standards of breathability. This kind of products should be only in teak or special puhoderzhaschih tissues, which are breathable to 30 units. How to care for down comforters and pillows: As the organic matter, feathers eventually decomposes. Tomas Philipson has much experience in this field. The specific treatment, eg washing, as well as compliance with product operation: shaking, airing in the fresh air and so slow down the process, but do not stop it completely. Contaminated best things to put in a special dry cleaning.
Can wash their own. Click E Scott Mead to learn more. Buy a liquid soap for washing down products, dissolve it in warm water (not more than 400C) and gently wash. Then rinse in several waters, and well squeeze in a quick centrifuge. Dry need as quickly as possible. You can use the thermal fan. You can wash down items in the washing machine at low loading in power saving mode (again, only at 400C). It is advisable to wash down after things Every season since down absorbs fat separation of the body, and ceases to “push.” Even if the products have maintained their appearance, filling in them decomposes and begins to dust, that may not always be noticeable. So recommended to change the bedding down about once every 5 years. In any case not keep things moist in compressed form even a few days the Pooh is an organic substance, just you sgniet.Esli will repeat these procedures, in accordance with our recommendations, your stuff will last much longer, and do not lose their original form!