From 1990, it is intensified fight for a democratic management, accenting the decentralization politics. The public-private partnership appears, where the public administration and the private initiative if join with the objective to offer a service of better quality to the population. The present work had as objective generality to analyze if the partnership enters the Municipal School of Basic Education Bentonit Union and the Bentonit Company Northeast Union Industry and Ltda Commerce is interventionist a participativa relation or in the educational management, identifying to its contributions and/or implications in the pedagogical action of the school. The bibliographical study she was subsidized by Camacho (2011), Comparato (2004), Ferreira and Aguiar (2001), Rasp (2007), Sacristn (2001), Hisses (2006) and Sousa (2000) amongst other official documents as the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education (Law n 9,394/96) and the Federal Law n 11,079/2004, that it specifies the general rules of the public-private partnerships (PPP). It corresponds to a case study, taking care of to the reality of the Municipal School of Basic Education Bentonit Union, located in the City of Good Sight, integrant of the municipal public net of that locality. The research made possible to understand a little around the paper more and responsibility of the public power stops with the education, the necessity of collection and organization of the society for guarantee of a basic right of the citizen, but also it led to recognize the positive importance that this partnership plays for that reality and results that had been conquered until here. Word-key: Right to the Education democratic Management – public-private Partnership INTRODUCTION: The right to pertaining to school education is a subject that comes reaching a quarrel each ampler time in the present time.