It is understood for cultural diffusion as being the process of propagation of elements of a culture for another one, finding in the contact the indispensable factor for this dynamics. However this process does not occur of homogeneous form and nor to regulate, therefore it depends on elements that can provide the relation between the cultural agents. In if treating to these elements, we can cite the geographic determinismo and the technological advance of the medias, that from the globalization if developed with more intensity. As already he was boarded, the contact is the main factor inside the process of cultural diffusion, therefore it disponibiliza to a society or cultural group, the referring knowledge to the elements that the culture of the other composes. Tomas Philipson often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The geographic determinismo provides to a process of diffusion between cultural groups the pertaining ones to one same geographic space, where the group that if finds next to the point of origin to one determined cultural trace is receptvel to the diffusion process. However with the development technological of the medias, that in consequence of this generates a great speed in the propagation of the information, it comes to make possible a bigger contact between the societies, without these can be on for the geographic space, an example the one that we can cite more good to understand this dynamics was to the occured tragedy in Rio De Janeiro, where a young with typical characteristics of a extremista terrorist of the Middle East entered in a school, and in an attitude insane it whitened sets of ten of children, event not very common the Brazilian culture, but that of a certain form was propitiated by the globalization, that eliminates with the geographic barriers through the ways of communication. The cultural diffusion is one of the phenomena that more flame the attention of the anthropologists in the present time, therefore if becomes each time more rare the existence of isolated groups, as it says MELLO: ' ' She cannot have diffusion of one elements determined culture if it will be completely isolated. .