In the sewing yes, each part is handled one to one, in terms of technological development, even so already let us have innumerable advances in this area, is difficult the complete automatization, therefore weaveeed they are sufficiently flexible and malleable what it disables its sewing without adequate manuscript. With certainty this is a great challenge for science and comes being searched has much time, but nothing it substitutes the human work, either manual, operational, or simply for ' ' to press boto' ' of the machine that will make the work. 2.5DESENVOLVIMENTO OF COLLECTION To each sprouting of new collections of fashion, exists an intense work of research to changed into reality the inspirations of the estilistas, that many times are unaware of the complex process that if unchains from its ideas. Process this that goes since the study and staple fibre development new for fabric creation new? the call weaveeed technological; the research of new corantes, mainly with this wave Echo, the deriving corantes of organic substance, mainly of vegetal origin; the development of productive machines, equipment and processes aiming at to take care of to a consuming market each more demanding and eager time for new features. The dumb fashion to each station, but the contributions and discoveries that it provides, serve in them of inspiration and bring each time more information that help in to understand them the processes of inquiry and development of the science of form approaching in them to it and confirming what it hears in the half academic, of whom any subject does not exist that is not related or it is not benefited by the scientific discoveries. 2.6RESPONSABILIDADE AMBIENT Together with this technology, we must remember the ambient responsibility, therefore you are welcome it advances the scientific advances and technological without environment, the only raw material supplier for all the scientific discoveries is the nature, without it does not exist science, does not exist humanity, then this relation of protection and conservation of the environment must be each more intense time so that this source of discoveries not if finde and allows to each day the sprouting of new technologies.