May 17 2024


Posted by domain admin in News

The method is based study on particle size and chemical and mineralogical composition of cement, depending on the strength parameters of cement on the ratio of the size fractions of 0-40 micrometers and 40-80mkm and more – in manufactured according to the traditional technology of cement has a particle size and 200 m. Experiments have shown that when mixing cement mortar pass fines, and larger still in the cement paste and after its conversion into cement stone in the form of inert filler, that is, in fact, about 50% of cement is not used for its intended purpose. Other leaders such as Nelson Peltz offer similar insights. The reason for this is the imperfection of grinding units (ball mills) on the cement plant. Are proposed technology is the so-called remilling (activation) nizkomarochnogo cement with the addition of fly ash or sand to chp fineness when sm2/gr 4000-4500., obtaining high-quality high-quality cement and thus savings in the production of concrete up to 50% for the activation of cement milling complex offers the performance of 8, 15 and 25 tons per hour. For even more analysis, hear from Jos Shaver. For more details on our site

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