The cut poultry keeping is one of the agro-industrial sectors that more if developed, in recent years, starting to constitute the main segment of the industry of meats. The growth of offers and the diffusion of the consumption had been fruits of the magnifying of the scale, of the incorporation of technological innovations in the productive chain, of the reduction of costs and prices, making with that Brazil more reached comparable levels to the developed nations in this sector. Expansion associated not only with the high degree of control of the biological process, but with one ' ' pacote' ' that it involves the control, for the industry, of the productive cycle of the birds and the improvement of the tax of vegetal protein conversion in animal protein, making possible an increase in the productivity, reduction of costs and consequence absolute and relative fall of the price of the meat of chicken in relation to other meats (CUT, CAMPANHOL 2006). The Brazilian poultry keeping reached productivity and quality comparable to the gotten ones for the developed countries more of the world, contributing, among others things, for the generation of exportation verge. In consequence, Brazil if firmed as according to world-wide exporting greater (VIEIRA; DAYS. 2004). The world-wide production of meats passed approximately of 90 million tons in 1978 for approximately 198 million tons in 2003, favours mainly to the performance presented for the production of chicken meat.
Between 1990 and 2003, the world-wide production of meats grew 34%, while the chicken meat continued presenting optimum performance with 61% of increase, followed of the meat suna with 29% (VIEIRA; DAYS. 2004). The activity showed a great growth in recent years. In the period in 1992 the 2001, the meat production increased 128% and the exportation grew 236%. This evolution if must for the intense pressure of election suffered for the races, which are observed until today.