" To do this you must Analisi from the following questions: 1 .- Who is your audience? 2 .- What are their needs or problems? 3 .- Do they know about it? 4 .- Do you know and understand the technical terms of subject? 5 .- Exactly what they want you to teach them? 6 .- They want to teach them step by step? 7 .- What sort of information your audience would be willing to pay? DESIGN This is the main part of the process, this is the step where you type the contents of your info-product trying to cover the above points of analysis. When you're writing content keep in mind simpre That goal is making the reader with this block of content? …. You should consider the following questions when writing the content. 1 .- What is the best way to organize the contents of the info-product? 2 .- Do I need to include activities and exercises? 3 .- How should I present the content to my readers? 4 .- How can the reader evaluate whether it is learning what I'm teaching? 5 .- What is the best format to deliver your content? The answers to these questions will help you: a) How should the content be organized. b) How should be the interactions of people with the content. c) How will the schedule of activities to create the product. d) How or test if people learned the content of your course. DEVELOPMENT In this step the contents of your info-product and must be written, however some content may be created in this step, the development begin to create your info-product or take the format to be used for delivery.
In this step you can personally take part in the development of info-product depends on the delivery format, for example because if you create a course on How to create a blog? and you feel that you are not very agile making video tutorials, then you can hire a person who is responsible for bringing the content to video tutorials and then you touch review to respect previous fuckin 'content. IMPLEMENTATION This is the step you've waited finally begin to market your info-product to your audience, in this step you create the sales letter of the product and the system used to market, re cord must pre-launch your product with drums and cymbals. Here you will meet the acceptance of your product and begin to receive feedback. EVALUATION In this step you should evaluate the quality of content, design, and delivery format, this you can evaluate feedback to people who buy your product, also ask yourself these questions: 1 .- Are people enjoying studying the info-product? 2 .- They are achieving the learning objectives? 3 .- Where can I make changes to improve content delivery activities or the product? Once you've completed your evaluation, take the information you find and improve your product for re-release it as version 2.0 Best Director Pedro Campuzano