For the second time the Dresden tour operator of AugustusTours was awarded with the certificate of the ‘ServiceQualitat Germany’ in stage II. “Since the company was founded in 1997, each individual employee is AugustusTours according to the motto: If you stop getting better, has stopped being good.” In 2003, the tour operator for cycling, hiking and trips gained the certificate ServiceQualitat Sachsen”in the first stage. 2009, level II of the quality label for tourism Germany was building on”achieved. “The initiative ServiceQualitat Germany initiative ServiceQualitat Germany”, which comes in Saxony for 10 years, are today all 16 federal States represented. Leading the initiative was Baden-Wurttemberg, which acquired the license of quality management, developed in the Switzerland, 2001 as the first State.
In the following years, more States follow. 2007 established the cooperation community ServiceQualitat Germany”eight federal States. The initiative ServiceQualitat Germany is committed to the task, to ensure the success of customer satisfaction. As a sustainable and visible improvement in visible service and a quality awareness in all service industries should be achieved nationwide. The standardized system consists of three steps that build on each other. The certification is valid for three years then a re-certification is possible. The different certification levels, highlighted the quality of service provided by the company from various perspectives and stimulated an increase of kindness towards the customer.
In the stage two Employeees to your work and attitude toward the company, interviewed building created standards of level I, anonymous. In addition, created a strengths-weaknesses profile of the company and carried out a customer survey and a mystery check. These measures, the service quality of the company is calculated according to a standardized point system and reached a Minimum score awarded the quality certificate. AugustusTours emphasis on the quality of its services AugustusTours is one of the Saxon companies involved in the quality of service initiative since the first stage. in 2003 the supplier of active – and group quality Manager (so-called Qualitatscoaches) trained. Since the award of the quality label apply different policies, which will be lived by all employees of the Dresden company: we analyze our services consistently from the perspective of the customer. We want to develop ideas that we can surprise our guests. We are trying to exceed the expectations of our guests. We are available for our guests 24 hours. To do this, we perform at least a quality brainstorming per year and jointly develop ideas to the quality assurance and improvement. This year including a communication platform on the Internet site of AugustusTours is established, where guests give back their travel impressions and the cycling and hiking tours can valuate an asterisk system. Even after 10 years of service the good ideas never go out. We hope that we with can get in the boat, to work together on quality course! AugustusTours E.k.. contact: Lisa Frank,