Keep in mind that there are different ways for brands to control what he says people on each platform. For Twitter, try TweetDeck, it allows you to have multiple columns to be viewed simultaneously. Create a column of search for your brand is very easy. Just enough to create a column for @ mentions. This will make it easier for those who want to continue to our brand. Facebook platforms can be controlled and monitored looking wall to see that they are publishing the people and email notifications can be customized for those alerts when new messages are posted.
YouTube and blogs also must be observed closely for comments and questions. Like Facebook, there are settings that, when activated, will create e-mail alerts when there is a new comment or connection. (4) Provide a voice to their fans consumers help define the brand and want to feel valued. Be sure to ask questions and listen to the views. If necessary, apply and share the ideas of your community. This can cause not only the great content, but a greater brand loyalty.
Popular brands doing this regularly and with much success. 5) Be fun No matter what your business, people want to entertain themselves. Find fun and fresh ways to keep his captive audience. Dunkin’ Donuts does very well through Facebook by creating fun and the content shareable. And if you take a quick look around the social sites, you can see that fun marketing is happening everywhere. Brands put a lot of time and consideration to your offline campaigns in the media and this should also be done with the online media. It is important to have people who have the authority and creativity most suitable using these platforms to ensure the voice of your brand. If you already are using the platforms of social media in an effective manner, it will not be long before you start seeing results. Original author and source of the article.