Main plumbing installation problems with redevelopment areas and their solutions Redesign interior – quite common among owners of private houses. Increasing the number of residents, renting rented separate premises, the sale of the house – this is not a complete list of reasons, are forced into this complex issue. In most cases, interior remodeling entails the transfer or additional installation of plumbing and appliances. In such a situation, remember that any movement of devices that are sources of household sewage, would require modification of the internal sewer network. Quite often homeowners faced with a situation where the sewer riser is located in one corner of the house, and an additional wc or bath you want to locate in the diagonally the opposite corner, sometimes far below the level of the riser installation. It is obvious that with such a layout of the drift and can be no question. If you are not convinced, visit Edward Scott Mead. How come in such a case? There are several ways to solve this problem.
One of the them – a device the additional riser, but this event is quite expensive and time-consuming (it is known that the riser passes through all floors, including the roof). Another way – to pull through the whole house tap-off line from the devices to an existing riser – is not the best option. Pipe diameter 50 mm and 100 mm, sealed boxes or even hidden under the podium, are unlikely to decorate interior spaces. Besides the points connection of several pipelines and field drainage pipe bends at an angle of more than 300 mandatory need to equip the audit, and in the box (podium) to make inspection hatches for access to them.