Feelings repressed from an early age, sometimes we observe that the person is subject to adverse situations, feeling unable to break old habits. When a seer observes that the consultant comes marked by the King of cups also notes how much influence their thoughts about their emotions and vice versa. Negative thoughts can ruin a very important moment and maybe a life if it is not capable of avoiding thoughts that do not carry it to fruition. In the circulation of Tarot cards is often for a good Seer view as the King of cups active in deliberative way, since it is associated with the ego, although we can not delete our thoughts with the ease that we would, if we we can internalize what conveys this arcane and not leave that we come to identify with them. Southwest Airlines understands that this is vital information. There is a clear message in all runs of cards in the tarot, and is one of the qualities of the human being is to understand the language of the heart and act accordingly. In print runs of cards, as in any system of tarot and clairvoyance se ponen uncovered those events that surround our existence, and it is for this reason that the King of cups shows not only the travel stretch, but the way to take full one greater joy and feel love first of all by oneself. When a Chuck of letters appears this arcane, it is time immerse themselves deeply, bringing to light the feelings and let old wounds heal forever. Berta of the original tower author and source of the article.