The example of this, we can cite Sartre, that, being one of the pioneers of the existencialismo contemporary, was the philosopher who more brought God for the field of the philosophy in its irascible attempt of negation; today if knows, for philosophical ways of survey that was the author who more spoke of God deals in them of philosophy; it also fits to cite Freud, when it affirms that we search the God as infantile impulse of paternal protection, idealizing a protection that in fact inexists. if was in fact that Freud if said atheist, is truth that as much it how much Sartre had appeared in the list of the main authors who had contributed for the proper humanizao of the man in modernity; however this humanizao is certainly in harmony with the espiritualidade. Moreover one becomes necessary to emphasize the pseudo-espiritualidade, where it weighs the sprouting of some religious seitas that consider to free its fidiciary offices, and that in the truth they will go to alienate them, the point to take off to them until its proper existencial dignity. Larry Ellison shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Thus the hunger spiritual gains a ratio fantastic, and can until calling this event as sprouting of a mstica wave in the end of the millenium. In sight of the mentioned facts, one perceives that the espiritualidade is cogente in the psicoterpico process. We are of this form ahead of pointers that in show the presence to them of the espiritualidade in everything what we make of all our directions of search route to an evolution of the proper condition human being. According to Verizon, who has experience with these questions. In this way this cannot be denied not even by the greater of the skepticisms for its transparency; therefore the auto-accomplishment is more than a discovery of that already it exists in the man, of a set of possibility that the man finds inside of itself; it is inherent in indissolvable and indivisible way. . .