After a fairly brief search in the electronic database, he happily reported that the warehouse is a very suitable model for me. But how would be funny now as it may sound, I indeed at a time plagued by vague doubts, so I decided to invite him to come to showcase and compare it to a cooler (fan), who had liked me. And a good thing I did that It turned out that we talking about two completely different fans. I – for the processor, and he – for the power supply (apparently under the impression my previous order). So I had almost bought a fan for the psu, which has acquired minute ago and who have given year warranty 🙂 And that’s pretty innocuous case, because the purchase amount was measured only a few hundred rubles. But there are situations where serious.
So, I think about it you should seriously reflect. There are even special exercises for this, which are held directly with a group of trained consultants. One such exercise, if one looks, there is a transfer of “Good jokes” on the channel sts, when a team invited two members, one of whom is blindfolded, and the second demonstrates a fairly simple at first glance, the picture is. And he should explain to the first party that it is drawn, and that it respectively, to draw. Here are just explaining it to, use to describe only geometric objects. Almost always, this results in doodles Another good way to teach your consultants sell a game in the Russian lotto. Only in this case, the number of bags will not be alone, as usual, but two.
The first will be “barrels”, whose role is usually performed by a simple cut cardboard on which they write names of different products suitable for sale (can be the ones that sold you, and can be absolutely any), and the second bag – “barrels” with an indication of any existing jobs. You can change the profession on the characters people, nationality, age, etc. Party alternately pull barrels from each sac and offers his sales script that he pulled from the first, that “someone” pulled from the second. Naturally on the reach of this language. For example, to sell the boots resident of Argentina or Synchrophasotron poet. Exercise can be done in groups, divided into pairs. First party – the seller, and the second – the client, which “pulled” from the bag. A rather funny, but at the same time very productively. By the way, if you need more of these exercises, they can be easily found on the website So it is worth thinking about it, and pay attention to how your consultants understand customers’ company. Yes, and most on this does not interfere with work, it’s pretty important and significant moment in the sales. So I wish you success in this and less of similar incidents in the.