One gives credit that these two productions have its semantic value, but that one cannot be used in the place of the other. In a similar way, the adolescents are the great users of the nets of Internet of the world. The only problem is that the school has not folloied this process. The professor still was entailed the modern age. What he comes very bringing a great exaggeration in relation to the learning process of the pupils. These prefer to be hours in the computer, where they believe that they learn much more, and most of the time really learn, to frenquentar schools where the professor if finds at the time baroque or modern. What it finishes for generating a global phenomenon of disinterest for the traditional forms to know and the emergency of the failure pertaining to school. ' ' She is necessary to renew each day, therefore the time of the new technologies is homogeneous, rational, linear, whereas the human time is discontinous and diferenciado' '.
(WOLTON, p.105, 2007) the schools also are if transforming drastically. In the particular net of education, many of the schools of the elite of the great capitals already have the use of computers and nets of computer science in its resumes. But in the public net, these processes if find restored of an incipient form, preserving the old difference between schools of periphery without adequate equipment and professors and schools, for a minority, with use of high technology. From computer science we enter in a new universe. Never these processes will be so evidentes and of a so revealing form.
Everything what appears in the computers in them reflects directly. The sex, the fear, knowing covets, it, the despreendimento, etc. Through it, the contact with the too much people is always a possibility. Of the deserts the Amazonian forest, the densely populous cities, the small cities of the interior of the state.