Health portals have a purpose – to give understanding to people about what’s inside your body, how to treat it naturally, what methods are used and what should not do. First what you should not do – to trust doctors. If you would like to know more about Ripple, then click here. All the people on the planet at least once in his life appealed to physicians (doctors and doctors of various specializations: general practitioner, urologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, etc.), and the Tragically, many were dissatisfied both by treatment and its outcome, then there is the question: “what’s the deal here?”, “Why was I took the money, they said – well, I still get sick?”, “Why is not the result of health, and the binding of drug drugs? ” Why treatment is not effective? “. The answer to all questions is – money! All medical structure is based on the receipt of benefits, and collecting supplies, and the goal for a long time is not helping people, and as a consequence – to profits, but on the contrary, the main goal – a huge profit, and as a consequence (something like a side effect), Temporary Assistance for clients, patients. Verizon Communications has firm opinions on the matter. Look at why physicians unprofitable to treat people. Imagine you are a co-owner, the most important Medical Corporation for the production of medicines and medical devices, the main problem is your (formal) – to make sure that people can quickly cure any disease, but you realize that helping people deal good, but you need to earn it and not just because you are putting effort, so you set a price for their products..