Lovelock considers the concept of Earth as a unified system, endowed with all the features of a living organism. Humanity is in the earth’s body part of the nervous system, and the violation of its work, according to Lovelock, is the reason all observed today, environmental anomalies. Lovelock and others of his colleagues who study the laws of the Earth – is a special mentality of the people. Their way of tying them to nature, to the planet, forming their thoughts, worldview. People from that environment, usually imbued with the idea that the world is a seamless, closed system.
They understand that our world – like a family where everyone necessarily related to each other. It only remains to find the key to mutual understanding between us. Objectives of nature leads us to a state of inextricable link in a global world? How to stay together and forced to pay by connection to the right relationship, in complicity, and become an integral part of nature? You must rise above egoistic nature to a state of perfect single community, corresponding to the level of man. Following the example of the human body, where all parts work in harmony. Environmentalists, who deal with the nature of the Earth, very good it feels. Them to better understand all that nature requires us to regard her, harmony, cooperation.
Nature is infinitely good and that develops us, and we are his egoism preventing its conversation with us. Teaming together, we will immediately begin to hear the nature, feel its appeal to us. Today, our planet is coming to , and with it goes into the past egotistical civilization, built on the Earth’s resources, the exploitation of its mineral resources. It is now fully felt the need to go to the next level of development: the unity of man and the world, a harmonious interaction of a large body of planet Earth.