To buy the discs need to find a specialty shop, where you not only pick up the correct wheels, but also to properly install them. However, a beginner motorist is very difficult to judge which of the better specialty stores. Let us consider the question, where are all the same, it is better to buy drives in detail. High quality and constantly updating designs contribute to the continuous growth of demand for alloy wheels production of "Kick", which suggests their high popularity among motorists, who decided to buy wheels for your car. Deciding to buy CDs, it is important to note that all wheels produced in accordance with GOST-R 50 511 must have the following basic markings: Date; Size rim Departure wheels Permissible load statistics (eg: Fb = 500 kg, or 500 KG Index load). The sign of conformity GOST R 50 511 (icon PCT). Markings shall be permanent and indelible. To cast wheels, it is engraved on the molds and molded wheel.
If you decide to buy CDs from the catalog of guaranteed validity, even when replacing the brake pads are ideally designed to stand on his seat. Setting the alloy wheels on the car is not very different from the installation of steel wheels, but still buy CDs and install them in specialized centers is recommended. Thus, Now you know how to not make a mistake to buy CDs that they were the "size" your car and to please you. Then go ahead – dare to change the look of your car!
Auto – it's not an abundance of, say classical, but a means of transportation. And it needs to be very many things: care, a necessary device and in the required elements of such a motor, wheels, etc. By the way, on wheels. They are, I would say one of the key components of the vehicle: with their help, he is considered vehicles. However, the wheels also have multi-parts, what is very dangerous neglizhirovat. Some of them – the bus.
This will depend on what moving car, it the ability to go on a bad roadway and so on. But there is the most important mission of tires – to protect the driver and passengers. Especially this be related to pore winter, when all the car owners are convinced need to buy winter tires. Why is it necessary to buy winter tires? It's very simple: the winter – it cnegopad and ice, and it is slippery and dangerous road. This, in turn, holds a significant increase in accidents on roads.
It is here that dates back to the most interesting. Necessary "to put on" wheels of own car in the bus, which could be ready for the "gift" of winter, a wet road, the rain and frozen puddles. Winter tires will save and auto people from the accident, the driver will be more confident braking and turning on the highway. Buy winter tires is not so easy. Although you can buy them in any cities of our country – in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, but before you buy should know what are these tires, and that should be specifically for the car you're interested. There are two types of winter tires – with or without spines. The first version of the tire, they still call studded, made of more solid matter and they have special cleats. Non-studded tires include a special type of rubber, with whom she at once tough and myagenkaya, depending on the coating, which moves in cars. Studded tires provide more strong grip and shorter braking distances. If you have a lot of travel around the frozen roads, the most advantageous to buy winter tires this kind. Studless tire is designed for snow-covered slopes. What choose? It must be remembered the advantages and disadvantages of such tires. Studded tires on ice is convenient to use, but not profitable on dry pavement. If you do not move out of town, in which clean sediment and ice from roads, it is much better used tires without studs. However, putting it, remember that stopping distances on ice to increase significantly. But the car's handling on the road with the soft snow will significantly increase, since such a situation the main thing contour of the tread, not the presence of spines. So what we have available? First – you must select winter tires While on a roadway would drive cars. Second – to buy winter tires in Ukraine is easy, since they are in all the settlements in Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv and the like. In winter, protect the driver and his companions will depend not only on the ability to drive and knowledge of traffic regulations. To a greater extent It will depend, as it is not surprising from the tires, especially if your route is where a lot of ice.
The question of when to change car oil change has an indefinite answer. The fact that oil changes should be made in time, say many experts. Because of the friction arising between the engine parts can However, his failure to happen, a good motor oil does not drop in price. But the oil change to make is easier for smaller financial investment than the engine repair. So how do you calculate the optimal spacing? First, be aware that this may affect the interval. Known: 1. Model and brand of machine 2. Under what conditions are traveling by car (short trips in the urban cycle / travel for long distances / seasonal Trip) 3.
Climatic conditions in which to travel to cars. In addition, the oil change interval may also influence the style of driving, and even place to store the car. The first factor in determining oil change interval should be for you technical advice to the machine manufacturer. In general, the majority of cars recommended service interval varies between 7000 -10 000 kilometers. However, the very proizvoditelvyschityvaet the interval sufficiently averaged.
For example, luxury cars to take into account the relatively high speed and ignored the fact that he can move on rough roads. Every driver must take into account the known operating features of his own car. These factors include: the use of bad gasoline, the use of cheap oil previously auto maintenance at long intervals. When was the last time was rapid oil change, then the following change should be undertaken before that time. Most drivers in recent years, prefer to used motor oil with a longer service intervals – Longlife. It is not necessary to be led by advertisers. Please note that the use of this product should be provided by the manufacturer of your particular car model. In addition, in the service book must be written mode, in which you can use with extended oil service intervals. When purchasing a car with a hand, do not forget to ask the seller of the service, “the past” purchased cars. In severe operating conditions (maintenance of cars on the roads broken in areas with dusty air, etc.), recommend changing oil and filter every 5000 – 6000 kilometers.