Unemployment continues to rise, but the Government still shows happy: data being consolidated the trend that we are on the road to recovery, says an undaunted Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega. Obviously with 4.2 million unemployed-the highest figure in Europe each day that passes are fewer jobs by destroying and, consequently, the rate of unemployment will be lower. Pleased with this situation, look for where you look at it, is estolida irresponsible because until now destroying jobs has proved an easy task, but create them again, according to the analysts, will not only be difficult but that the economic recovery in the offing will be conducted with fewer people with work than before the crisis. Instead of investing this dramatic reality, seeking incentives for new jobs, correcting labour market, inventing other forms of occupation, favoring that companies renew contracts, the Government prefers to subsidize the growing unemployment, task Obviously short-lived, because the public coffers are emptied at a breakneck speed. But it is that economic policy official to call it somehow is a policy of subsidies. There was a generally, of 400 euros, which both favoured Emilio Botin as the last standing, and another check baby, both for the son of an immigrant from Florentino Perez. With something less than absurdity, it was agreed later another aid of 420 euros a month to those unemployed who had been without benefits and another 210 young people as emancipation basic income. But, what is better, give them money by face or offer them a job where he can learn to earn it for themselves? Create a society subsidized from the base carries a cancer social, economic and moral, as happened in the real socialism of the Communist countries, where an apparent full employment underwent brutal collective misery. Less subsidies, and greater job opportunities for a society that, she Yes, is terribly alarmed by unemployment.