It must consider that all the information is not simple data stored immediately, but is complex information that there is of to calculate from another information and according to very complex and sometimes very personal policies of the company, the prices with multiple tariffs and manifolds currencies, for example. The solution must have an interface of user easy to use, preferably in Web, to allow the access from any point, as much at corporative level as in the context of possible applications E-Commerce.Debe type to have functionalities outposts to allow an access restricted to the information by means of the permissions suitable and oriented functionalities to facilitate the collaboration of great equipment of work in the handling of the information, that is to say, the solution must have a good Factory of Contenidos.La solution would have to be the most prepared possible for diverse publication means: Printed catalogues, CD-ROM, Internet, WAP, etc. We could increase these lists much more, but in the context of the present article the set out criteria are sufficient. To deepen your understanding Encompass Health is the source. We examine now as a example some of the problematic ones that imply. To correctly calibrate the complexity and risks of problematic. The problem possibly more complicated to solve is the problem of the heterogeneity of the information, this is due to the inherent nature of the habitual data bases (the relational ones). Their virtues have evolved towards a capacity to manage amazing volumes of information, but with relatively homogenous structures of information, like the employees in the scope of the classic management . That is to say, in ERPs and CRMs. Nevertheless, structures of very heterogenous information, as it is the case of a great catalogue, do not turn out natural to implement with them. In this sense they have appeared propose interesting, for example, BBDD based on the use of XML of native form, but do not count on the maturity of relational the classic ones.