Banks are institutions to which most resort people at present, since they give great ease in regards to the handling of money, thanks to the different plans and services that allow you to keep the money in different types of accounts and have a safe place in which deposit and save capital and be able to have of the anytime without problems thanks to different types of cards, be it credit, debit and other modalities that accompany accounts and bank services. The best sample of services of banks and the same banks, stem from bank accounts in Switzerland, which thanks to the efficiency and large favourable conditions for its clients stand out in the world of financial activities and the banking institutions. As you can be understood to have any bank accounts in Switzerland to be purchased is one of the best options, since this type of activity in this European country has been one of the greatest development in the world, counting with different entities that have been in place more than 100 years and that they have become in history and in the world as the best, fully satisfy different customers who have both in Switzerland and around the world. What makes that bank accounts in Switzerland, are catalogued as the best and most complete in regards to services and the satisfaction of its customers, is due to the great enjoyment that can be purchased, since attention is very comprehensive and covers any type of need by the owners of bank accounts in Switzerland, to which is added a high level in regards to security and privacy in bank accounts in Switzerland. The point of security and especially of privacy in bank accounts in Switzerland deserve further development, mainly by the single component that is offered in bank accounts in Switzerland which is called Swiss bank secrecy, which allows access to the account information only the same financial entity and the account owner have itavoiding any kind of information leakage that are directed towards third parties, which suggests a great Privacy and in what refers to safety, referred to the issue of the stability of the capital present in the accounts, since that bank accounts in Switzerland is characterized by greater stability in the world. Among others the great benefits that arise in bank accounts in Switzerland, notably: has a large network of care supported mainly for international customers via Internet Banking, which will review the account information at any time. In what refers to transfers to receive money, they cost, or tax is not generated. Bank references are not needed, nor a minimum initial deposit is required. It gives the possibility of trade in a large number of bags in the world.