Aug 12 2020


Posted by domain admin in News

The main thing – it’s the lack of nacre. Prepare the face for makeup. Clear, moisturizes, causes base corrector, concealer, loose powder, in general, everything that you apply before applying blush. Brush with a beveled edge of the plot the more dark powder under the cheek in the form of strips, starting from ear to the center of the face. Then round out the strip close to the temple. Be careful not to cause the powder to the cheekbones region itself. Janice Wright will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Circular motions brush shade darker stripes, to smooth the transition of colors.

Dark powder under cheekbones will give a visual relief face and accentuate the cheekbones. The same powder, only a small brush can create the desired shape nosu.Naprimer make it more direct, or reduce the size. To do this, apply a flat brush strip, starting almost from the eyebrows, on the side of the nose to nose wings. Thoroughly blend well. Thus, darkening the right areas, the nose will look thinner and smoother. A little dark powder can be applied to the tip of the nose, making it visually shorter. If after all this pain, you find that on the face of too much powder, you simply walk across the face clean with a brush and blend well. To proceed you need to Shimmer.

It is facility with flickering light reflecting particles, which brightens the face. Applied to the skin before applying the blush. If there is no Shimmer, you can replace it with something bright and highly pearlescent. Draw on the cheekbones and Shimmer slightly higher, moving in a downward direction. Heavily shaded. Shimmer will add a nice shine wet face. Just such as we often see on the models in fashion magazines. To enhance the effect of Shimmer, you can splash in the brush a bit of thermal water. Draw a little flick on the nose Shimmer (upper part), chin and forehead to give a natural makeup. The next step – applying rumyan.Vyberite neutral shade. In order to nanestirumyana correctly, we should smile and apply them on the cheeks, protruding parts, so-called apples. At first blush, apply promakivayuschim motion on the apples, then blend in a circular motion in the direction of temples. The main color will be on the “apples”. The final touch to the make-up will be mixing all the colors on the face. To do this, apply a thermal water for brush and promakivayuschimi lightly go over the face. Makeup will last a long time, and the face look natural. Describe the whole process was much longer than realize it. Through such simple steps can give your face a matchless landscape and beautiful emphasize the cheekbones. So go ahead, experiment and be always compelling. Article taken from the site mnesovet.