A true workaholic is someone who naturally has a hard and perseverance, and even indifference to others, beginning with his family. People who were lucky in this life, I mean those that have found themselves frequently for success are met misunderstanding, and sometimes even pity. They are called, to put it mildly, "with compliments" because it is not clear why throw good suggestions, especially to throw the adversary, and bend in poverty, but at the same time to remain faithful to his idea to the end. People fail to understand that at the end of this long corridor of expectations, where you are invincible go forward without being distracted by the parties, will be rewarded triple! The main thing in this life, to be faithful his dream, and she will not let you implement. If we remember our famous ancestor, who put a monument on the square-Kontraktowa Skovoroda, its basic principle was – to be happy.
And it is possible when a man finds his "akin" (for frying pan) job, I'd say calling that God has placed in us by sending to the earth, for only that we recognize this and have begun to do in their field of green. He also believed that all the sciences taught at the universities do not necessarily go to all as one to one, and another – another. So why do we betray your dreams? Mystery hidden for almost seven seals. Everything comes up from early childhood, and more precisely with the instructions on our parents 'right path', as they mistakenly believe.