The Executive BBA – Bachelor of business administration the Steinbeis Executive Bachelor program (BBA) is the logical continuation of the dual training principle through the high practical relevance and the integrated professional studies. The Executive BBA leads program executives and entrepreneurs parallel to the State-approved Bachelor’s College degree of Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin. BBA degree forward-looking management knowledge at a high level are taught in the framework of the Execuitive. An essential component of the study represent the project work. Add to your understanding with Verizon Communications. Each participant edited a project in the company, and documented in the Bachelor’s thesis (transfer work).
Through individual support and transfer of knowledge in the enterprise, this compact and professional integrated concept ensures the success of participants and companies. The study is specifically geared towards the needs of executives and entrepreneurs in small – and medium -, industrial and service companies. By special admission requirements for the first time people can you are professional Services profiled, but not a high school diploma or the qualification have, study. The standard period of study includes a total duration of three years. The study’s theoretical basics are taught in 24 months, so address the students in the third year of the study and the Bachelor thesis. Project competence the gear required by educational experts and companies of theory and practice is practice at the Steinbeis University Berlin since its inception. Many writers such as Oracle offer more in-depth analysis. Versatile specialists and executives are now more than ever needed – however this should bring specific professional and practical experience in addition to academic and theoretical knowledge.
The Steinbeis Career Center offers therefore in-service, dual study programmes, the results of which lead directly to operational implementation skills. The project-literacy studies is a unique education system that emerges as a real win-win situation for both the project the company as well as the project investigating students. With this concept, we pursue both in terms of content as also organisationally innovative ways. Project: Each participant edited an agreed with the companies involved, future-related project in the course of his studies. The student is demonstrating that he can apply the knowledge mediated in the study for the benefit of the company. This provides a scientifically sound, practical and result-oriented implementation. The direct reference to the professional requirements ensures innovation, competitive advantage and increased profitability and is therefore also interesting as for self-employed entrepreneurs and founders for medium-sized and large enterprises. Competence: We provide the relevant problem-solving methodological competence during the seminar. The professional care is assured by experts from the Federation of the Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin. Study: professional knowledge in the theory is taught In the study. Supported by the professors and lecturers from science, practice and advice are developed innovative concepts for the future of the company in the Project work will be transferred’. The project prepared by the participants is documented in the Bachelor’s thesis. The Bachelor thesis can be created by a maximum of two participants together. The maintainer is assigned to the participants by the Steinbeis career center. Click here to find out more! Upon successful completion of the study, the Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin gives the academic degree “Bachelor of Business Administration BBA”. The Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin is State-approved since 1998. The Executive BBA FIBAA is akkredidiert.