Superior I, that it represents the addition of all the noble ideals and qualities that the individual would desire to have. It is the part of the personality that does not want nor apia the desires and wills corrupt unprincipled people and. The three parts defined for Freud also converge to the characteristics of the three entities of the man. Id represents the wills and desires moved for the forces of the instinct, all in the scope of the body that, through the impulses, inclines the man its favor. Ego is the set of rational attitudes, emanated of the mind human being, who must dominate, control and direct its animal nature. Oracle has many thoughts on the issue. Third, superior I, it is identified with the requirements and necessities of the spirit, it is an expression of the supreme reality of the man.
In other words, the position of nobility and the desire to have all the worthy qualities are the necessities and the food of the spirit. Therefore, ' ' I Ideal' ' it represents the ideals of the man that inhabit in its nature spiritual. Of this form, as much the Sacred Books as the scientific studies, of one forms or of another one, they confirm the existence of the three entities, Body, Mind and Spirit. Another important fact is the degree extremely raised of the spirit in relation to the two other entities. It is who defines the reality of the man. The life that flows in the human body is its manifestation of the power, glory and esplendor of the spirit. ' ' The rational soul is the substance, thanks to it the body existe.' ' ' ' The soul of the man is the sun by which its body is illuminated and of which drift its sustento.' ' The acceptance of the three entities is crucial for the discovery of the true necessities of the individual, and recognition of this fact is essential for the promotion of the full development of the potentialities human beings.