Therefore, the project ethical-politician was a progress in the conjuncture with rupture, conservadorismo, that is, the conservadorismo in its traces of assistencialista, with renewal the lines of direction of the Social Service, with the code of 1993 ethics breaching with the connotation that the Social Assistant is a mere executor of tasks, but are a professional with character to take care of demands and to make interventions in its ethical capacity. The societrios projects are plain of class action having as base a set of necessities and purposes to be applied, thus explain Netto (1999: 5) What it so only interests us a type of collective project that we assign as societrios projects. One is about those projects that present a society image to be constructed that they complain definitive values to justify them that privilege certain ways (Material and cultural to materialize them Netto) the societrios projects many times are games of public interests that reveal the confrontation of dispute of the members of the society, whereas the professional projects involve professionals of field or practical in a research work, as the case of the Social Service in Brazil are constituted by accuseds and associations of Social Assistants as CFESS, CRESS AND ABEPSS and ANESSO. As Netto (1999) is important to stand out that the professional projects also they have diverse dimensions politics, related its relations with the societrios projects, however a professional project to be displayed is needed applied coherence as, either in such a way in the public institution or how much in private and its users for the attendance of displayed demands with the problematic ones. However the fact is not abstained that the professional projects do not have dimensions of public interests and politicians. Observing the ethics code it has denominations with the ethical debate evaluating new rules in agreement (Law 8,669, of 17 of June of 1993), detaching the social Service as a producing area of knowledge and research.