Fernando arrives to say that the parents do not have authority with the children, as well as the professors do not have with the pupils, leaving the side punishment, that is the factor that it believes to be the .causing greater of this disobedience. When being inquired on the alternatives for the combat of the indiscipline, Silvia says that it is a question of comment and research of the functioning of the lesson advice, so that it can create circumstances of dialogue between the pupils. Already the interviewed professor standes out the basic importance of the psychologist, which working in set the pedagogia of the school will show the nimbleness where the aspects of the human development are formed: ' ' Psychology can show that the developments cognitivo, affective, aesthetic, social and moral constitute aspects of an only harmonic development humano' ' (BECKER, 2006, P. 01). In this way, the professional of the area of psychology assumes a significant role, acting as agent of changes, taking care of the organizacionais general demands of the institution and in the accompaniment of the accomplishment of psicopedaggicas programs of re-education, operating I assist in it to the professor before the situation of the pupil, as in the proper case of the indiscipline. 2.5. The motivation of the pupils Corroborating Eccheli (2008), detaches, still, the idea of Brophy, a writer who characterizes the motivation as being of two types; the intrinsic one that she is that one that if gets through satisfactory results of some lived deeply and the extrinsical one, distinguished experience as an emotional state caused by determined stimulatons that cause to the interest of the pupils for the activities proposals through profit of you reward or other resources that contribute for the increase of this behavior. Eccheli (2008 apud GUIMARES, 2001) agrees that the use of compliments, in the case of the extrinsical motivation, is more efficient ahead the motivation of what the material gratuity, that is rewards, it is important if tied with some activity and the compliment must serve pra to produce the motivation that beyond a return on such performance of the pupil, also possesss affective component, fortifying the interest.