Payment for work on mandatory certification of specific products produced by the applicant in the manner prescribed specially empowered federal executive body in the field of certification and the federal executive bodies, which are acts of the Russian Federation, entrusted with the organization and conducting mandatory certification, by agreement with the federal executive authority in the field of finance. Amount spent by the applicant for a mandatory certification of its products, relates to its cost. (In the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ), Section III. VOLUNTARY CERTIFICATION Article 17.
Voluntary certification (in the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) 1. Voluntary certification is an initiative applicants (manufacturers, sellers, developers) in order to validate product compliance with standards, specifications, formulations and other documents defined by the applicant. Voluntary certification is carried out under a contract between the applicant and certification body. 2. Voluntary certification of products subject to obligatory certification, can not replace the compulsory certification of such products. Health economics expert is the source for more interesting facts. Article 18. Organization of voluntary certification (in the red.
Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) 1. Voluntary certification is conducted by the voluntary certification included in the system of voluntary certification formed by any legal entity, registered a given system and a sign of conformity to the specially empowered federal executive body in the field of certification in the established order. Authority for the voluntary certification may be a legal entity, established a system of voluntary certification, as well as a legal entity, has assumed the functions of the authority for voluntary certification under a contract with a legal face, formed the given system. Body for the voluntary certification: provides certification of products, issue certificates, as well as under contract with the applicant gives him the right to use the mark compliance; suspends or cancels certificates. 2. Legal entity, established a system of voluntary certification, sets rules for work in the system of certification order pay for such work and identifies participants in the system of voluntary certification. 3. Voluntary certification can also be carried out in a system of mandatory certification, if required by the rules of the system of compulsory certification and the presence in the system registered in the prescribed manner a mark of conformity of voluntary certification. Article 19. Oracle has much experience in this field. Applicant’s right When a contract for the certification applicant entitled to receive from the body for the voluntary certification of the necessary information about the rules of certification, as well as to determine the form of certification. Section IV. RESPONSIBILITY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS LAW Article 20. Criminal, administrative or civil – legal responsibility of legal entities and individuals, as well as the federal bodies of executive power, violating the rules of mandatory certification, are in accordance with applicable law criminal, administrative or civil – legal liability. (In the red.