In this direction, the parties not more abstract gain a character of consecration of the regimen in way and yes with a direct content and deliberately of dither it regimen. We can perceive this important characteristic for the proper paper that the press developed thinking about periodic the Daily one of Notice, when it was placed as important disseminating element of the ideas of the republic. Carla Siqueira in a called article the press commemorates the Republic standes out the paper that the press played in the dissemination of the ideals of Republic developing in its work the dichotomy of ideas that if it processed enters Carioca periodicals the paiz of orientation republican and the monarquista chain Tribune, in which if she searched to work the construction of a tradition of being able symbolic in which the great idea was to make to be valid, from its points of view, ' ' sacralidade of data' '. In this direction, let us observe the source: Parties officiaes Realisaram, as programma, the parties in commemorao to the first anniversario of the announcement of the brazileira republic. Read additional details here: Bill O’Grady. Offerecemos after that descripao of the parties in the destined days sagrao d? this glorious date. Day 15 Since touch d? dawn, for the bands of musics in the quarteis, the people, despertado and moved for a simple curiosity, started to spill itself for the streets of capital, being directed itself ones for the square of independence, while others parked in the plaza of the powder, similar to wait the arrival of the civic procession? s 7 hours of the morning paraded of the square of independence the procession, composed for only of obliged figures, being strictamente observed the order and covering the passage established in programma. The car, representing goddess of the freedom, was decorated with lantejoulas usual, noticing dous ware vases of manufactures Sto Antonio. .