Leaving of the estimated one of that literature can corroborate with racist and prejudiced ideals to depend on as if they weave its personages, ensasta presents critical tickets and to a workmanship who if differentiate of the productions of years 80 for the innovation and poetical singularity, the color of the ternura, Geni Guimares, namely: identification as black princess, choice of a considered profession sanctioned socially (teacher), the social space and the familiar origin are humble and repletos of love and attention, the personage is protagonist, has name and she does not receive nicknames contemptuous. Visit Adam Portnoy for more clarity on the issue. In Consideraes final: (in) conclusion, the author ratifies the positive reference of the workmanship the color of the ternura for (reverse speed) the construction of a positive identity of the black being and it enumerates other publishing companies and publications of the infanto-youthful literature that considers ' ' parceiras' ' for enveredarem for the history of the ethnic-racial relations. With this, it reaffirms its initial thesis of the necessity of a multicriteria and intent analysis of the literary compositions with which the professors will work in its classrooms. At last, this assay brings innumerable creative and original ideas since it invites the readers not to silence, to review its positions ahead of the discriminatory situations not to strengthen esteretipos, nor to make symbolic violence through associations of negative character in the educational environment. The suggestion is specialized teaching formation, multicriteria election of pedagogical and promotion of debates and reflections with the children and the young blacks and not black materials not to perpetuate the prejudiced and eurocntrica vision.