In the 14 measured performance criteria Federal with a total can satisfy with the Alliance, the Stuttgart and the well-being of the people the mediator most three different top ranked product provider. In the overall satisfaction ranking, there are significant differences compared to the actual activity of mediation and the AWARD results part. On average across all of the performance criteria the Stuttgart-based insurance with an overall satisfaction score of 1.84 can satisfy most brokers and multiple agents. Significant differences in the bAV agent loyalty also were asked the brokers and multiple agents its future bAV mediation behavior as well as their intention of recommendation to assess. It was queried the loyalty of intermediaries on the basis of two dimensions: the intention of the recommendation, as well as the future mediation activity. A higher loyalty of intermediaries in the Provident Fund is reflected in the average over all agents and companies across.
The recommendation rate, i.e. the percentage of brokers who definitely or probably would recommend their favorite bAV provider a fellow colleague, is on average in the direct insurance in 76% and in the Pension Fund at about 83%. The values regarding the individual bAV provider and their fans”classify the part above or below these averages. BAV business developed favorably in the target group of the bAV experts that point agents predominantly (53%) tend to be stronger bAV business in 2012. Overall however takes the proportion of better bAV revenue”when compared to the previous year (58%) to 5 percentage points down. Also the bAV sales took total compared to the previous year AB is for 2012 at valuation sum of EUR 1 million.