"This is a great success, – said Andrey – other companies often wait two to three months." Along with registration and a license owners of the new company is actively looking for an office. View ads in newspapers, pulling friends, just walked through the center of Moscow, and looked into the "uninhabited" areas. Nothing good, alas, does not fit. "What we were offered something beyond the ring road, the office police. And once we seem to be nearly ran into scam – says Eugene. – Suddenly there emerged a completely fantastic version of: two rooms on the Grand St. Nicholas, just opposite the gum department store, and just $ 650 a month! I simply was in seventh heaven! "Later, however, revealed that in the building, tightened building a grid until there are no tenants, and the director of certain intermediary organizations immediately post; Avila condition: pay for the three months in advance.
"There's something here I became suspicious, and we decided not to risk", – says Director of travel agencies. As a result, had to settle for a rather modest variant: a small room in the organization, located, in turn, in a Stalin-era house near the Kiev train station. From the underground to go just minutes to seven, but without detailed instructions, can not do. "We had a case: a contract with the client about the meeting. So he still got to We had time on the road to look to neighboring agencies, check to see if we tricked him.