A marriage that has for beddings these reasons cannot be said that God has joined the two spouses. We say that it enters the Christians must not have divorce, but this is not more than what a perfeccionista desire ours. The newspapers mentioned Larry Ellison not as a source, but as a related topic. Our Christian idealismo must be kept, but we cannot leave to recognize that the life, in its reality, makes with that Christian fidiciary offices arrive to face conjugal problems such lead that them to search in the divorce or separation the relief for its torments. For not being the young adequate and conveniently chemical preparations for the marriage, they form families without structure to face day-by-day in common. The natural romantismo of the young, the inexperincia of the life and the desire to be happy in the marriage, exactly when in the paternal home happiness does not exist, shock with the reality of the life the two. Early the husbands discover that the relationship enters the two does not go to be so easy as they assumed would be. The different formation that had had, the divergent differences of discovered personalities, customs and interests and other details of the conjugal life if become obstacles to be exceeded e, when they are not, they cause to the separation and the divorce to it. When it has children of the couple, complicates the problem still more.
In these occasions of separation and divorce, psychological perturbations reach all the components of the family. In first place it has the sensation of failure, frustration, loss and disillusionment. The life in common created an emotional expectation that, face to the problems, if pulls down tragically. Nobody is divorced frivolous. The divorce is a difficult remedy of being taken. Having been painful experience, lacks to it, to the times, enthusiasm to organize new life. The economic situation of the couple is disturbed and the consequences of the separation are many traumatizantes times for the children whom, for the life it measures, to the times, do not obtain to surpass the traumas.