Hello dear lovers of fishing. Opened ocherednoysayt hobby for people, which is fishing. What is the best this site? You ask. The site opened recently, but for a short time filled content. The site will cover different ways lovliryby at different times of the year. Covered most nasuschie issues that zadaemsyamy – fishermen. Since ancient times, fishing was considered one of the most venturesome types of recreation. Many of us try after tiring of fishing with spinning or fishing pole.
What kind of snap to use to succeed? All possible kinds of tools and methods of fishing on our sayteposvyaschennom fishing. Here's one of those: Tviching from September to November in September In September preferable to fish for pike in basins overgrown with grass. The grass at this time is quite high due to what attracts their overgrown lot number of fry, which in turn feels safe in dense thickets. Pike also oblyubovyvaet these places. Catch her best along the reeds and in the "windows". When posting a bait along the reed, it is necessary to do as close to the line of vegetation. In this case, the chances of increasing bite.
Fishing in the windows a little different from fishing along the vegetation. There is desirable to use floating baits as they allow for bait closest to the edge of the vegetation in a small area of the window. Also, the windows can be used bezlopastnye svimbeyty. Almost all bezlopastnye svimbeyty (including drowning) while posting a quick overlook at the top layers of water, and while posting a bait at the edge of the window can be vertically pull it out of the water.