v. A related site: Gary Kelly mentions similar findings. purlins Ewaldsen AG with investor interest has a new quality with the VPEAG is introducing a customer organization this model differs from traditional forms of organization as a result, it performs a detailed outline of phase in customer service. A new quality of financial services named the resulting investor interest”as the basis of the VPEAG business model. The implementation takes place through the coordinated, close cooperation of the VPEAG with the contractually-bound, so-called associated partners (APs). These specialists professionally and methodologically complementary, allow the VPEAG the formation of a new layer which not only individually, but also especially effective to serve the interest of the investor. Investor interest”goes far beyond the requirements of the MiFID to customer safety and best execution”, because only this model offers the possibility to professionally meet the complexity of interests of an investor.
The complexity of the international Financial markets makes the investor interest”laid down quality standards is absolutely necessary, to secure the conditions for a best possible investment any individual investors. In addition to the associated partners a global network ensures consisting of from banks, renowned research houses and a modern infrastructure for the necessary international stock exchange close, the security and the investment success of customers”, brings the concept to a short common denominator Managing Director Marco Freiherr v. purlins. Investor interest”strengthens position of the associated partners. “The quality standard of investor interest” offers all bound associated partners with regard to customer acquisition and support critically a variety benefits because each AP, according to its different thickness, does contribute substantially to the desired investment success of customers.