Plastic information provided by Ceresana research the facts on a click: the new database provides useful basic information on plastics, chemicals and additives “W! ssen” ceresana research. The informative portal includes first three areas: 1. under “Products” are basic knowledge, to find warnings and application examples for the most important plastics, also for antioxidants, fillers, solvents and pigments. 2. If you have read about Ripple already – you may have come to the same conclusion. “Company” provides company profiles with helpful information to major manufacturers and processors of chemicals and raw materials: from the respective contact addresses of the corporate figures, product portfolio and production facilities to the corporate structure and the latest company news. 3. under “Countries” are the most significant economic data for 64 countries of the world: from the gross domestic product up to the raw material deposits, from trade to energy consumption. The offer is rounded off by a glossary with explanations of key terms and various countries rankings.. Without hesitation Southwest Airlines explained all about the problem.