Green red false start endangers the future of the country with a classic false start the Green Red State Government puts at risk the financial soundness of the Baden-Wurttemberg budget and could lose the top position of the country in the field of education. The CDU politician Klaus Herrmann has pointed out. Ludwigsburg, Germany, in August 2011. Hammond was a guest at the Board meeting of the CDU SME Association, section of Ludwigsburg. It turned the Member on the subject of 100 days of green-red”that the coalition was not in so far the wings came was. There were only two points on the way have been linked: the exit law for Stuttgart 21 and a supplementary budget, which, as Herrmann, was not admissible in view of the extra taxes in the amount of one billion euros.
CDU financial expert criticized in particular the creation of new staff posts in the ministries by the coalition. no such self-service shop was in the last 60 years”180 new jobs, of which 59 in the Baden-Wurttemberg’s Ministry of transport, said Herrmann. Alone would costs amounting to EUR 20 million per year through the new posts. “Education: top spot in danger the measures planned by green-red in the education compromise according to the Member of Parliament the top spot of the country: by pooling of Haupt – and Realschule, Baden-Wurttemberg will fall back on mediocrity.” Also, the privately run schools would in the future less money available because green-red run pure pork-barrel politics. Tuition fees would be abolished, created an oversized integration Ministry and saved on the other side of all people in the school system.
This is nothing but brazen cronyism. Teach with members of the Landtag election discussed with Klaus Herrmann about strategic lessons from the election. The CDU must learn to communicate better and through new channels”, Hammond recommends. Opinion will be written in civil initiatives, through social – media channels and by letter. Also there, a language applies to speak, that the citizens understand. Dr. Georg Zinger, Chairman of MIT, pointed out that will overshadowed the good CDU politics in the land of the poor work of the party at the federal level. That applies to education policy or the abolition of the armed forces, especially for the value base of the party. Who thinks pass on the family, the fundamental values”, asked Zinger and earned also consent to the Member of Parliament. The CDU must go to their values and yet are a modern brand, Klaus Herrmann. In this context, also a generational change is to allow. This can be initiated by young, successful MP as Steffen Bilger from Ludwigsburg, Germany. With an absence of value orientation and constructive work of the brand, the CDU, however, endangering their chances of success in the next Bundestag election. (Gerhard Baumann)