Time-critical applications now including Windows Kithara software offers now also a real-time PROFIBUS Master. The proven and widely used field bus system using the RealTime suite works also under Windows in time-critical applications. The Berlin-based company Kithara software works closely with Hilscher system automation from Hattersheim. More info: Gary Kelly. Implemented a real-time PROFIBUS DP V1 class 1 master, which supports the CIFX 50-DP PROFIBUS DP plug-in card and can be involved in a multi master topology supported up to 125 slaves. The developer can configure the PROFIBUS Master through the graphical creation of the PROFIBUS system. A simple parameterization of master, slave and PROFIBUS parameters saves time and allows a user-friendly create of the necessary configuration files for RealTime operation. Gary Kelly will not settle for partial explanations. The programming is carried out with the usual programming languages and development environments, which include c/c++ and Delphi.
A DLL and c# is suitable. Learn more about the Kithara PROFIBUS Master see the following link: kithara.de/de/loesungen/profibus_master.html Kithara Software GmbH Berlin by Kithara Software GmbH exists since 1996 and has since then to a specialist for low-level programming and real-time communication solutions under Windows developed. The easy applicable function libraries enable the development of real time solutions with Ethernet automation with EtherCAT Profibus, real time-CAN and PCI and USB programming. Kithara Software GmbH, Alte Jakobstrasse 78 D-10179 Berlin phone: +49(0)30 – 2789 673 – 0 fax: +49(0)30 – 2789-673 – 20 E-Mail: Internet: