Contemporary combination of information and age of consciousness we are already in the turbulent transition to the next age! Although many companies still struggling with the problems of the information and technology era, we have long ago crossed the threshold to the age of consciousness. And only those with the time comes, will customize processes his company and the respective business the new circumstances. Evolution takes place daily. Use corporate powers. Living diversity. If everyone in a company bring their uniqueness and diversity, the result can be efficient. Both the earnings and the product. 2BEe, a merger three highly specialized professionals, have found a key, such as using human expertise and technology this goal for each company individually.
can be achieved. Technical, objective analysis first create Sabine Krause, Sabine Muhlisch and Bernhard Klapdor a objective and value-free, in-depth analysis with the help of latest Technology, the database functions supported. The financial and temporal cost is minimal when compared to a conventional art company analysis. All areas of a company, depending on the operational structure, are recorded here. Corporate structure (procedures, processes, features, ideas and concepts) area structure (procurement, controlling, personnel, etc.) Project structures (avert risk management) personnel structure (quality) personality structures (development potential) decision tree (investment and management) sales and negotiating structure (sales promotion, sales planning and objectives, customer loyalty) energy structures (ElectroSmog, building biology, pollutants) rather than how so far doled such as training or coaching in individual areas to improve efficiency to take individual measures, analysis according to tailor-made measures are carried out. The success of these measures is again technically checked and controlled to further measures. A biofeedback of kind of for Companies with dynamic output! Awareness of company 2BEe, Sabine Krause and Sabine Muhlisch, synonymous with being: consciousness.
Successful, authentic be. In a question-answer forum Oracle was the first to reply. Unique be. In the areas of communication KorperSprache & UnternehmensKorper business mediation personality development of energy resource concept is based on the technical analysis in the form of workshops, seminars, individual or group coaching mediation practical and deeply based on the individual efficiency comprehensively worked. In interval mode, the measures as feedback analysis be technically checked and possibly least changed. This approach enables companies to individual technical, correcting yourself, practical controls to optimize and increase efficiency.