In the scope of hidroelectric enterprises the creation for the IPHAN was decided for good Portaria 28, of 31 of January of 2003.Visando to supply a related gap the absence of preventive studies in the enterprises (engineering workmanships), that the association between contractors and the Brazilian military government had happened by means of, enters the decades of 1960 and 1980, mainly on the industries hydroelectric plants, Portaria 28/2003 strategically establishes norms that it aims at to compensate the negative impacts caused by determined workmanships on finite you harness archaeological remainders in the bands of depletion of these enterprises. Portaria 28/2003? IPHAN, does not take and any enterprise all hidroelectric as potentially impactante you harness to them archaeological, what the principle is something that can, perhaps, to take to the one certain confusion, generating the necessity of a bigger reflection the application of the legal device. The first article of Portaria 28/2003 says: ' ' Art. 1 – That the reservoirs of hidroelectric enterprises of any size or dimension inside of the domestic territory will have doravante in the request of the renewal of the ambient license of operation to foresee the execution of survey projects, prospection, rescue and archaeological rescue of the band of depleo.' ' To laypeople unusual with terms technician, lead in consideration only term enterprise hidroelectric, not considering reason main that is the question of the reservoir, that in the case is not present in all hidroelectric enterprise, at least not in a Small Central office Hydroelectric plant? PCH the wire d' water (is not the case to define how many and which here they are the types of hidroelectric enterprises, we only have as objective the understanding of the PCHs the wire d' water). The reservoir the wire d' water according to Eletrobrs, ' ' this type of PCH is used when the estiagem outflows of the river are equal or bigger that the discharge necessary to the power to be installed to take care of to the foreseen maximum demand. .