And then you, you’ll be promoting your website. 5 Product review writes one or more review articles, which discuss some of its products, publish them on your web site and sends an e-mail to the owner of the website, visit and see what your website says its products such as specified in the previous case, surely will put a link to your website so that your potential buyers, read what other web sites independent say about their products. 6. Unsolicited testimony you subscribe to their newsletter and write you a testimonial, expressing your opinion on this and send it by e-mail. It would be better that you grabaras in a small audio and you tells you where you can download. Don’t forget, always includes a link you text within the text of the testimony and of course, also the end of the same under your signature. 7. Your classified ads put your ad on its web site, where they are free classified ads which provides.
You should make sure your listing to carry a headline attractive and stunning, so that it is instantly read by visitors. 8. Your links page. Upload your text link on your links page. This task must be performed frequently to make sure your link is permanently located in the top of the list.
9 Guestbooks: always sign your guestbook. You can leave a short fulfilled on its web site and of course, includes your signature with a link to text at the end of the message. 10. Promotes one or more awards: creates Awards frequently, in your own web site to other sites which meet the criteria marked, might have some regularity, for example, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly. Gift to the winners, for example, a text link that can be placed on your web site when they win. They will be putting on its web site, the prize that you offer, and sent traffic to your own site. If you follow these simple tips, you’ll see your website, it will be day to day improving your positioning in search engines. Lic. Norberto a..