The light acts intervening on the intensity and the persistence of position. The ovrio of the hens, in immature state, presents 12,000 ovulos approximately; however in mature normal conditions only 2.5% potentially they can become e, consequently, to ovular. This capacity of ovulao obeys a hierarchy to folicular, called sequence of ovulao, conditional to the size of folculo for the release of vulo. This phenomenon of the ovulao is in the dependence of an endogenous mechanism strict related with external factors such synchronization, called circadian rhythm periodically allows the repetition of the ovulao in elapsing of the productive period of the bird.
(QUINTO LANA, GERALDO ROBERT. Poultry keeping 2ooo.). To brighten up possible complications in sexual maturity of the birds, some farms use curtains to isolate the lots youngest of oldest and thus to control the exposition of the birds the artificial luminosity, however, is a measure that still presents many irregularities and better deserves to be observed. ( 2010 APAVI) In terms of endogenous mechanism, the hipotlamo-hipfice-ovrio axle, stimulated for exgenos factors, represented for the light conducts the reproductive process all causing a ovulao to each period of 25 the 26 hours, approximately. This regency is represented by the existing perfect synchronization enters diverse responsible hormones for the productive process, represented for LHRH (liberating hormone of LH), produced in hipotlamo; LH (luteinizante hormone) and FSH (folculo stimulant), produced in hipfise previous; estradiol and progesterone, produced in the ovrio. (QUINTO LANA, GERALDO ROBERT. Poultry keeping 2ooo.) The hierarchy to folicular is responsible direct for the intensity and persistence of position; therefore, any factor interrupts that it will go to produce deleterious effect on the egg production. The bird initiates the LH production eats approach age of 15 weeks, reaching the maximum concentration between 19 and 23 weeks, at the beginning of the production.