Have you ever ever take out a bank loan or mortgage. But, perhaps, certainly did your relatives or friends. Then you know what it is: a large number of certificates and other securities, restriction of age, enormous interest, sureties, etc. etc. Then the first payment of interest, and already then the most credit. All this does not improve your mood, leading to loss of mental balance, makes the sleepless nights.
Agree? So, buying a property with the company Intway gives you a unique opportunity to avoid all these hassles. Namely: the bonus-funded housing program Intway Corporation provides you with a unique way to become owned their own apartments, houses, property overseas, or to invest funds in .Oformlenie made in accordance with the laws of the country in which the acquired property. 7 indisputable advantages of the housing program. – No certificates evidencing your income. – Your age does not matter. – Money for a down payment (20-30% of property value) earned in the company. – You can repay the loan from other sources of income.
– You can prepay the loan without penalty. – Your investments during the accumulation of funds guaranteed securities, company bonds Express Financial, which are subject to to mandatory redemption. – Your property and your life is insured for the entire duration of the loan agreement, which guarantees the safety of your investment. Registration is made in accordance with the laws of the country in which the acquired property.