Alfabetizao in the society and history: voices and words and texts. Trad.Tomaz Tadeu Da Silva and others. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1993, P. 29 – 68. We know that the alfabetizao is a subject controversial and investigated by many; being that Antonio Viao Frago in its studies presents a panorama on the illiteracy in Spain. The same he affirms that: ‘ ‘ Approximately, 75% of the population ten years and more, up to 1850, wise person not to read nor escrever’ ‘ (FRAGO: 1993 p.29). Cliente that this presented reality, is not only merit of Spain and yes reality of some countries of the third world, enclosed there Brazil.
But coming back to the study of Frago when the systemize its studies where the same it concludes that: ‘ ‘ The illiteracy is consequence of the absence of alfabetizao process. What it must be studied, therefore, they are the causes, agents and ways of accomplishment of this last one. When inverting the traditional approach, the studies on this question had been enriched with contributions on the history of the processes of verbal communication and the diffusion of the reading and writing, surpassing the metodolgicas limitations of the related approach. In turn, this allowed to point out, the current phenomenon of the illiteracy and the alfabetizao in the countries of the third world in ampler perspective, that in recent years explains good part of the failures of the campaigns of alfabetizao promoted ‘ ‘. (FRAGO, 1993; p.30). The excellent one was not more the illiteracy, but the alfabetizao, as process of identification of the interest and ideological bases that motivate it and legitimized it, of the agents stimulated that it they braked or it, in its ways and procedures, and the analysis of its secular, space and social diffusion. This inversion in the object, methods and approach opened new fields of inquiry and made possible a series of questions (Idem, Ibidem). Frago in recent years points different studies, carried through, on the process of alfabetizao in the Ocidente.
… The same says that: ‘ ‘ the history of the alfabetizao has acquired autonomy in recent years, in relation the history of escola’ ‘. (Frago; 1993, p.36). In its central thesis, Frago presents its question? key: that social and institucional agents, ideologies, motivations, facts or factors had influenced, for example, in England, Sweden, Prssia or France, that had not been gifts in Spain, so that in 1900 we reached the English level of middle of century XVIII, and, in the period of 1960-70, the taxes of alfabetizao of the Prssia and Sweden in, middle of century XIX or France in principles of century XX? In synthesis the studies carried through on the process of alfabetizao in Spain ‘ ‘ of century XVI to the XIX they allow in them to venture some hypotheses on its evolution, risky, very more useful with starting point to contradict, to confirm or to shade in inquiries ulteriores’ ‘ (FRAGO; 1993 p.57). I believe that he is not erroneous to affirm that in Brazil, as in Spain, the alfabetizao was used as: order, disciplines, social and ideological control. Thus we can conclude that the alfabetizao to the long time, was and continues being very significant cultural an partner-educative trace.