This conception can be strengthened by Vidal and Maia (2010) when recognizing that the vacant magnifying in the federal universities faced serious limitations, and the MEC saw in the UAB the possibility to democratize, to expand and to interiorizar public and gratuitous superior education in the country, with support of the long-distance education and the incorporation of new methodologies of education, especially the use of digital technologies. An important step for fulfilment of the objectives of the UAB was to the approval of governmental Law N 11,502 of 2007, indicating for public education the conjugated use of actual education and in the distance in courses for the initial formation of professionals of the teaching, and in this in case that, the long-distance Education is pointed as preferential modality with respect to the continued formation of professors. With the law, the UAB first started to offer courses of graduation, sequential, after-graduation latu sensu and stricto sensu, with priority directed for the formation of professors and public administration. The functionings of these courses on-line from a methodology of education supported for the new technologies had started to be of responsibility of the institutions of superior education or Justinian codes of Education, Science and Technology, that they possess as actual abutment, polar regions located in strategical cities. Obviously, that this partnership was the Brazilian result of an ample joint between public institutions of superior education, states and cities, to promote, through the methodology of the long-distance Education, access to superior education for layers of the population that are excluded from the educational process. As it remembers Vidal and Maia (2010) the UAB did not constitute a new institution for the MEC. In the truth he results in a net configuration, involving the Federal Institutions of Ensino Superior (IFES) and the Public Institutions of Ensino Superior (IPES), that in the case, they represent the state, enclosed universities from the program, using to advantage the same local installations of its nuclei of long-distance Education. .