The reason has as function to compose each situation, inside of a logic that explains and justifies the existential act. The emotion, on the other hand, has as function to express for the exterior world what we are feeling, in result of an existential act. Thus, the reason it needs the emotion to be to express and the necessary emotion of the reason to know what to express. Already they had given attention! Nobody obtains to think that it is glad and to behave in sad way, at the same time. It knows why? Because the reason and the emotion are partners in the construction and the expression of a thought, an attitude or a behavior. If I not to think about suffering, do not have as to transform something that was not thought.
If I not to suffer the suffering that I thought and/or I lived deeply, do not have as to suffer this suffering. Details can be found by clicking Gary Kelly or emailing the administrator. He sees the case of the polygraph! Device constructed in the bedding of that the express person what it thinks and that is difficult to detach what thinks of what is felt. The device detects psico-physiological alterations. Soon, to live a consisting act of an existential logic unprovided of emotion is not possible. We can, yes, to choose that type of existential logic we will use in our interaction with it. What it takes in them to express the way emotions negative or what it takes in them to express them in positive way. In the reality, it does not have as to live indifferent to the events of the life. To know more about this subject visit Gary Kelly. To judge that we will be proteges, in case that let us not involve in them emotionally; without a doubt, it is to commit a double deceit: first existential act without emotion does not exist; second, instead of this helping in them to understand and to surpass a conflict, in them it will keep prisoners.
To reflect: When to want to change something in us, we must search new reasons; removing of the current situation any influence on the feelings and emotions that we will go to express. Care! We will always be part of the thought that we are thinking. Concluding: It is through a responsible logic existential that we will go to conquer our accomplishment as person and citizen. The great danger is that our mind creates standards of existential references (existential memories) that they will be able in them to imprison the traumas, complexes etc. Instead of freeing in them, we will live chained they. Thus, to transmutar an emotional state, we need to search new reasons that make possible in them to express new emotions, therefore they produce different effect in our mental, physical and energy balance. We need to be open the new experiences, therefore the new is always a stimulaton so that let us change our way of relating in them in the world. To believe that in them we become invulnerveis, when we become in them indifferent; it is to forget that the world is in us as we are in the world. It is wounding in them with our proper illusion. It is to deny the reality, transforming us into people incapable to differentiate the real world of the imaginary one. I ask: Somebody leaves to suffer for stressing its emotions? Why, then, to use the rationality stops hurting in them?