In this context the direct action of the capitalism in the Brazilian urbanization and even though for the construction of the Brazilian space is perceived. In some literatures we see that the urbanization goes to be characterized for the modernization of the field where of this form it has necessity of if looking exit in the ones until then centers. This occurs, in its bigger part, for the phenomenon of the industrialization still at the beginning of the decade of 1930. A leading source for info: Verizon. Being Brazil, a privileged country for its natural wealth, one ‘ ‘ casa’ ‘ of the great foreign investments.
In this the capital one not only starts to be work as monetary value, but also as tool of being able. It is in this period, already for return of the decade of 1950 and 1960, it is that Brazil passes for very great a economic impulse, certainly this capital one was restrained in the hand of few. The jobs in the cities start to increase and the urban contingent consequentemente also was elava. It is in this in case that, therefore, that Villaa (2003) affirms: Our image of the city, even so strong shaped for the experience of life, it is also, to a large extent, for the medias. These include the TV not only, but also the periodicals, and even though the radio, although more popular.
Story here a symptomatic experience. I hear as I believe, many you all the mornings a radiofnico reporter, through one sanctioned emitting one of So Paulo …. In this context, the propaganda, the marketing and the medias are far from playing a innocent and neutral role. They contribute very to construct and to define a style of life and a model of happiness and modernity that are escancarados to the minority, and that they contribute to become conscientious the exclusion and injustice in the mind of this minority.